Grace Note Music Studio
Grace Note Music Studio
Teacher Grace is a professional Piano Teacher located in Kelowna BC
Piano Lessons, Children's Piano Lessons, Adult Piano Lessons & Music Theory

Please Note:
Both in person or online lessons are available at this time. I will be teaching through the Summer part time and students may pre-register for September 2021 if they desire. Limited space is available at this time. So pre-registration is recommended

290 Gerstmar Road, Kelowna B.C. 250.868.9674 gebeauchamp@gmail.com
Grace Note Music Studio is a professional home piano studio located in Kelowna, BC. The studio features a Yamaha Clavinova Digital piano and a Kawai baby grand piano in a large private teaching room.
Beginner piano lessons for children and adults are offered. Teacher Grace accepts students for private piano lessons as early as 3 & 4 years old, although the average age for children to begin piano lessons is 5 & 6. Please email or call for a free piano lesson readiness evaluation for your child.
Early Intermediate to Advanced Classical piano lessons are offered for students in their second or third year of study and beyond. The Royal Conservatory of Music syllabus is followed for all exam requirements.
Adult Piano Lessons are offered for all ages and playing levels. Choose your genre of study - Classical, Contemporary, Jazz or just for fun. It is never too late to start exploring your love of music!
Please visit Lessons & Rates for detailed descriptions of weekly lessons.