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Children's Piano Lessons

Children's Beginner Piano Lessons

Children ages 4 & up can take piano lessons with Teacher Grace. Parents are encouraged to book a free readiness evaluation for children between the ages of 4 & 6.

Beginner piano lessons for children include training in the following areas:

Rhythm, Music Terminology & Theory, Keyboard Geography, Note Reading, Ear Training & Sight Reading. Emphasis is placed on learning to read music fluently. 

Lessons also include a variety of fun hands on activities and music games to reinforce concepts learned at each lesson. Practice incentives such as stickers & prizes are offered to encourage young students to develop a daily practice routine at home.

Books used include "Alfred's'" or "Piano Adventure's" as well as printoffs and use of the studio lending library. 

Beginner Children's Piano Lessons are $25 per half hour up to and including RCM Grade 4

Early Intermediate to Advanced Piano Lessons

Students in their second or third year of study can choose Conservatory Classical Study, or Intermediate to Advanced level method books. Classical studies are offered with Royal Conservatory level books and follow the current RCM Syllabus for exam preparation.

Students are expected to help prepare for RCM practical exams by participating in 2 yearly studio recitals as well as the Kiwanis Music Festival. Study of co-requisite theory is also offered. 

**Past students preparing to take RCM practical piano exams with Teacher Grace have been awarded First Class Honors with Distinction by acheiving marks of over 90% on their practical exams!

Early Intermediate to Advanced Piano Lessons are $25 per half hour (Level 1 RCM or equivalent method books and up)

Contact for current Available Piano Lesson Times:


Email Address*


Grace Note Music Studio - Children's Piano Lessons, Adult Piano Lessons, Music Theory Lessons, Music Classes

290 Gerstmar Road, Kelowna BC


Website last update May 29th, 2021

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